the inspiration for bringing this company to life is our obsession with making the community happy through food. few things in life make us happier than the treats of our youth. there's something about the power of food that unites us all. at asato family shop, we hope to provide you with an experience that takes you back to small kid time and create new memories with our local kine sherbert and treats!
the local snack shop/crack seed store has always been a gathering place for communities to celebrate the big and little things in life. we want to bring that feeling of joy and optimism we all felt as kids.
going into the restaurant and hospitality industry feels natural to us. our family goes back multiple generations in the restaurant/hospitality industry, from running restaurants, fast-food shops, cooking fine dining, working in school cafeterias, bartending, waitressing, and many others. growing up in the restaurants was just the norm for us and looking back, it was a blast! it only feels natural to open a #localkinesherbert shop for hawaii.
our mission with asato family shop is to carry on the history of hawaii the food and culture. we want to create a company that will be here for the next generation by not only making quality treats, but supporting the community that supports us. we are so fortunate to have an amazing group of supporters we like to call our family.
we hope you come by to talk story soon!
- asato family